Webstock! and more cool stuff of the week

I went to the mini-webstock last night at the Paramount. It was like seeing the new wave of web developers come out of the closet and meet and greet. It was definitely a sea of twenty and thirty somethings with a few wise few on the sides...this was overemphasised by Jo Halls admission that the internet had not changed her life, since she had been using it since she began doing her homework and research for projects on the internet since she was 7. The bell for time up tinkled loudly as the audience laughed and groaned at the same time....yes, the digital natives have arrived and they are here to transform the web in ways we have no idea of just yet...
Jo was the senior Tech Angel project i have been documenting over the last two years. www.techangels.co.nz at Wellington Girls College.
The project is part of the new LOOP project being launched on Thursday night at Te Papa...
Rod Drury profiled XERO and the full presentations will be available via Richard Naylors amazing 'i am everywhere' documentation of the event via CityLink. www.citylink.co.nz
So, another plug by one of the audience was for the Thursday night Wellington Flickr nights where people come and see each others photos uploaded on their flickr sites...the Wellingtonistas out in force...Jan Bieringa tlaked about the World Summit Digital Content exhibition briefly coming to NZ and this woman profiled her web kids clothes company...www.babylicious.co.nz

Other exciting moments of the week...are...i talked to the new guy heading up NEXTSPACE in Auckland, Roy Davies- a Right Hemisphere lab of the future... www.righthemisphere.com

I have a new job at NZ On Air developing their digital strategy - amongst other things...as we head into the digital television landscape. www.nzonair.govt.nz

I caught up with digital guru and font of all IT knowledge John Houlker and we met up with the new Cyberfellow at VUW through the Internet NZ funding, Philip Greene...and his colleague from the US, Fiona who is on a Fullbright Scholarship at MED looking at convergence policies...
will do another post specifically on next gen television....

I saw Russell Brown on breakfast television this week too talking about his son with Aspergers Syndrome, and his wifes breast cancer - he's just had to take his son out of school as it wasnt working out and special treatment for his son is going to cost a lot of money. You can see the post on www.publicaddress.net today - and they are promoting a fundraising event for Russell and his family which should be amazing and an incredible way the web community can give back to Russells high profile webtalk over all these years...


Unknown said…
Re: NZ on Air--please drop me a line (nathan AT torkington DOT com) because I have a lot of ideas on what the NZ On Air digital strategy should and I'd love to know why they're idealistic hogwash :)

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